刘兴强 555000jc线路检测中心专任教师, 教授,博士,硕士生导师,资源与环境研究所所长
2003/09-2006/06,新疆大学,化学化工学院,硕士 物理化学
1995/09-1999/06,湘潭师范学院,化学系 ,学士 化学教育
2022.01-至今 厦门大学嘉庚学院 教授
2014.01-2022.12 厦门大学嘉庚学院 副教授
2012.08-2013.12 厦门大学嘉庚学院 讲师
2010.9-2012.07 中科院城市环境研究所 环境工程循环经济研究中心 助理研究员
2015年入选“福建省高校新世纪人才计划”、2022年入选 厦门市高层次人才C 类、2022年入选福建省高层次人才C类
[1]Haipeng Sun, Zhen Liu, Xingqiang Liu*, Changlin Yu*, Longfu Wei,Preparation and characterization of Ppy/Bi2MoO6 microspheres with highly photocatalytic performance for removal of highly concentrated organic dyes. Materials Today Sustainability ,2022,19:100154 (SCI 2区)
[2]Zhen Liu , Jian Tian,Changlin Yu*, Qizhe Fan,XingqiangLiu#,Solvothermal fabrication of Bi2MoO6 nanocrystals with tunable oxygen vacancies and excellent photocatalytic oxidation performance in quinoline production and antibiotics degradation. Chinese Journalof Catalysis,2022,43:472–484. (SCI 1区)
[3]Xingqiang Liu,Wanqin Zhou, Fang Li, Changlin Yu*, Eu3+ doped Bi2MoO6 nanosheets fabricated via hydrothermal-calcination route and their superior performance for aqueous volatile phenols removal. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2021, 125: 276-284. (SCI 2区)
[4]Xingqiang Liu , Qizhe Fan, Fang Li, Longfu Wei , Changlin Yu* , Nd3+-doped β-Bi2O3/Bi2O2CO3 composite nanoplates fabricated via phase transformation and their superior visible light photocatalytic performance for removing phenols and dyes. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2021, 23: 1-16. (SCI 3区)
[5]Zhen Wu1, Xingqiang Liu1(共同第一作者), Changlin Yu*, Fang Li, Wanqin Zhou, Longfu Wei. Construct interesting CuS/TiO2 architectures for effective removal of Cr(VI) in simulated wastewater via the strong synergistic adsorption and photocatalytic process. Science of the Total Environment. 2021,796: 148941. (SCI 1区)
[6]Fanyun Chen1, Xingqiang Liu1(共同第一作者), Wanqin Zhou, Fang Li, Changlin Yu⁎, Hongbing Ji⁎ ,The distinct role of non-noble metal Cu NPs deposition in boosting the overall photocatalytic performance over a ternary Zn-based photocatalyst system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021,875,1-11. (SCI 2区)
[7]Zhenmin Zhang1, Xingqiang Liu1 (共同第一作者), Changlin Yu*, Wanqin Zhou, Fang Li,* One-step hydrothermal synthesis of N-S-GQDs/Bi2S3 microrods with highly photocatalytic performance for Cr(VI) reduction. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2021,626,127109 (SCI 2区)
[8]Zhen Liu , Jian Tian , Yu Changlin*, Qizhe Fan , Xingqiang Liu , Kai Yang, Julan Zeng ,Hongbing Ji** Ultrasonic fabrication of SO4 doped g-C3N4/Ag3PO4 composite applied for effective removal of dyestuffs and antibiotics. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2020,240: 122206 (SCI 3区)
[9] Zheng Liu1, Xingqiang Liu 1 (共同第一作者), Longfu Wei ,Changlin Yu* ,Junhui Yin, Hongbo Ji, Regulate the crystal and optoelectronic properties of Bi2WO6 nanosheet crystals by Sm3+ doping for superior visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance. Applied Surface Science,2020, 508: 1-10. (SCI 2区)
[10]Zhen Liu1, Xingqiang Liu1(共同第一作者), Changlin Yu * , Longfu Wei, Hongbo Ji *,Fabrication and characterization of I doped Bi2MoO6 microspheres withdistinct performance for removing antibiotics and Cr(VI) under visible light illumination. Separation and Purification Technology,2020, 162: 1-13. (SCI 1区)
[11]Yu changlin1*, Liu xingqiang1 (共同第一作者),Renxue Liu ,Zhen Liu,Hongbo Ji ,Hierarchical BiOHC2O4/Bi2O2CO3 composite microrods fabricated via insitu anion ion-exchange and their advanced photocatalytic performance. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020,840,1-11. (SCI 2区)
[12] Changlin Yu, Hongbo He,Xingqiang Liu *(通讯作者),Julan Zeng,Zhen Liu,Novel SiO2 nanoparticle-decorated BiOCl nanosheets exhibiting high photocatalytic performances for the removal of organic pollutants. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2019,40:1212–1221. (SCI 1区)
[13]Zhen Liu,Jian Tian,Debing Zeng, Changlin Yu*,Weiya Huang, Kai Yang, Xingqiang Liu* (通讯作者),Hong Liu Binary-phase TiO2 modified Bi2MoO6 crystal for effective removal of antibiotics under visible light illumination. Materials Research Bulletin 2019,112:336–345. (SCI 3区)
福建省教育厅A类科技项目: “纳米壳聚糖负载纳米TiO2絮凝剂的制备及废水处理研究”,项目批准号:JA13354,2013.09-2016.09 ,主持,已结题
“追寻思明记忆 传承红色基因”——思明区加强红色资源的保护、开发、提升实践,思明区宣传部横向项目,主持,2021.09-2021.12,结题
用好红色资源,助推厦门文化强市建设的对策研究,厦门市社科联项目 负责人,2022/3-2022/10,在研
漳州海水养殖微塑料特征分析及基于牡蛎壳废料复合生物炭微纳治污技术探究,漳州自然科学基金,排名第4,2021-01- 2023-12,在研